For Parishioners
The Serra Club of Chicago is a group of lay people who work with the Vocation Office to promote activities at parishes. The Serra Club of Chicago is engaged in these activities.
Connect with Father Tim. Meeting, planning and praying for vocations each month (usually a zoom call) with Father Tim. A seminarian is included in each meeting who leads us in praying the rosary.
Bulletin announcements. Keeping parishioners aware of vocation events and opportunities on a regular basis by distributing announcements for parish bulletins that promote vocations to the priesthood or consecrated life.
Mass prayer petitions for priestly vocations. Being an advocate for including vocations in petitions in each your parish each month. Petitions can coordinate well with the Sunday bulletin announcement of the day.
Awards for altar servers. Promoting a strong altar server program to help educate youth about vocations and connecting them with priests celebrating the Mass.
Attend vocations events. Attending selected events to understand the experience of attendees at vocation events. For example, Quo Vadis Days (for high school men) is packed with prayer, good food, sports, campfires and much more.
Attend ordinations. Inviting guests from your parish to attend ordinations. All Serra Club members are invited to ordinations.
Vocation stories. Encouraging your parish priests to tell their vocation stories at parish events.
Collaboration with youth groups. Asking youth group leaders in your parish to discuss vocations in your parish and promoting vocations by inviting teens to explore their calling.
Vocation fairs. Understanding the Chicago Archdiocese Vocation Association (CAVA) organization and vocation fairs at parishes and provide an opportunity for learning about vocations to religious life and the priesthood.
National Vocation Awareness Week. Attending and promoting the traveling Holy Hour across the archdiocese during the first week of November.
Join the Serra Club of Chicago. We are growing the Serra Club of Chicago to have one or more members at each parish to help lead this work. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.